Thursday, March 13, 2008

is the Ideal Home Show green?

The 2007 Ideal Home Show says it's all about sustainable architecture and communities. But does the reality on the ground live up to the hype? Are there really more solar panels than hot tubs? went down to find out

is the Ideal Home Show green?

Gray makes an interesting point this evening:

“I don’t mind the occasional note from someone I don’t know (or know well) asking me to be friends on Facebook, or to connect on LinkedIn … But now, new social networking sites, or even warmed-over old ones, are starting to fill my e-mail with absolute junk, under the guise of “real world” friends reaching out and begging me to share our similarities - to compare books I like with their own preferences, exchange favorite movie listings, or see if we’ve traveled to the same countries.”


Your Credit Card Network

The Atheist Comedy Hour

“The Antichrist is the head of the European Union, but then Jesus will return and of course win” says Bill Maher. But really that’s just the first two minutes of what is a funny and random dialogue among religious pundits.

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All the water and air on earth gathered into spheres

Dan Phiffer found this image on a message board, and by his calculations, he says it's accurate.

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BUSTED! Ferraro made SAME racist comment about Jesse Jackson

April 15, 1988 - Washington Post. Geraldine Ferraro said: "If Jesse Jackson were not black, he wouldn't be in the race" - used the exact same words about Obama and defended them on ..... FOX NEWS. How sad!Ms. Ferraro has gone "all in" on behalf of the Clinton campaign. To expect less of her would be a form of "false hope" frankly, but it can be seen as personal ambition rather than racism, it can be seen as premature, albeit deluded optimism.When we see race not in terms of color, but in terms of humanity, she will perhaps have been vindicated - that's a lone way off, though.Is there a diplomatic solution that enables democrats to move forward? Yes, it's already in progress - it's called Obama. His inclusive, mature rebuilding of the ailing party is their best hope for the future

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Kansas Woman Sat on Boyfriend's Toilet for 2 years

Ness County Sheriff Bryan Whipple says a man called his office last month to report that something was wrong with his girlfriend. The sheriff says the woman's muscles had atrophied and that medical personnel had to remove her from the toilet because she was bound to it by "natural means."

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How many digits of pi do you know?

Use this easy to read chart!

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PROOF that the Republicans are gaming the Democratic primary

Not only has the number of Republicans voting in Democratic races spiked since John McCain secured his nomination, but so has the number of them voting for Clinton. And get this -- a large part of her GOP base rated her unfavorably in exit polls, saying they'd be dissatisfied if she won the Presidency. Look inside for the full statistical analysis.What, you thought they wouldn't be that unethical?LOLI didn't think so either, but there you go.Just when you think the GOP can't sink any lower, they do.Can't win fairly? Just fuck up the other guy's campaign worse than yours.It's why "GOP" is synonymous with "Failure".And so they'll act like scumbags, and when they get called on it they'll pretend they don't understand why people are upset.

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Pocket Rainbow [PIC]

Who doesn't need one of these on a rainy day, seriously?

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Weirdest. Gunfight. Ever.

You can now check off "See a Swedish Cop Movie" on your Life To-Do List.

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Spoiled Girl Cries Over Getting a Lexus

New Contender For Most Spoiled Girl in the World?. Sweet 16 girl flips out because her mom presented her with a luxury Lexus on the incorrect day.

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20 Years Ago TODAY (3/12) "Never Gonna Give You Up" hit #1 !

Let's celebrate with some creative rickrolls!

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