Friday, February 29, 2008

"The Daily Show" Reports From "Anti-Hillary HQ"

Last night on "The Daily Show," Samantha Bee satirized the media's grand "plan" to destroy the candidacy of Hillary Clinton. "We're at debate 20, and I think everyone here is a bit disappointed that it took Senator Clinton this long to catch on to our plan," Bee said, reporting from "the media's Anti-Hillary War Room in the Paula Jones Conf. Ctr.

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America Loves Peace? Odd, Since We're Always at War

Sure, any war can be spun as some necessity against some Very Bad Person, preferably of brown skin, slanted eyes and/or differing deity. Not only can any war be so spun, probably every war there ever was has been, at least since the days when governments had to start offering some justification or another for their little foreign adventures.

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Best CAPTCHA ever

It was as if Digg was telling me, "Really dickweed, you're gonna put that up there?"

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I've Got Measles! Thanks Mom!

There are new measles outbreaks right now in California and New York. Why? Parents failed to immunize their kids. Please digg so more parents will read that the link to autism has been debunked. Measles is highly contagious and can cause brain swelling, pneumonia, and even death.

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Another Gamer Screwed by Microsoft

Someone sends their custom Xbox 360 to the repair center after being assured by Microsoft that it would be returned safe and sound. Except someone at the repair center "cleaned" the custom artwork and signatures right off the console. Unbelievable!

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Researchers Transmit Optical Data at 16.4 Tbps Over 1,500mi.

FiOS, you ain't got nothing on this: Alcatel-Lucent researchers in France have successfully transmitted optical data at an absolutely blazing sped of 16.4 Tbps over a distance of over 1,500 miles.

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It's Torture... No Matter What George Bush Calls It [PICS]

Ads for Amnesty International. "The unofficial world record in walking on a tightropeProbably belongs to a prisoner in an Iraqi or Afghan prison. The prisoners are exposed to so called "enhanced interrogation techniques" which include "near death drowning experiences" where the head of the victim is held under water."

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Bacon cups!

Screw you, healthy salad! The bacon cup is here to blow that nutrition value right out the window!

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Republican Makes Ass of Himself on MSNBC

GA Republican Jack Kingston bashes Barack Obama for not wearing a flag lapel pin without remembering to wear one himself.

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It's not's ice (PIC)

snow clad or ice clad?

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