BUSTED! Ferraro made SAME racist comment about Jesse Jackson ~ Credit Card Expert

Thursday, March 13, 2008

BUSTED! Ferraro made SAME racist comment about Jesse Jackson

April 15, 1988 - Washington Post. Geraldine Ferraro said: "If Jesse Jackson were not black, he wouldn't be in the race" - used the exact same words about Obama and defended them on ..... FOX NEWS. How sad!Ms. Ferraro has gone "all in" on behalf of the Clinton campaign. To expect less of her would be a form of "false hope" frankly, but it can be seen as personal ambition rather than racism, it can be seen as premature, albeit deluded optimism.When we see race not in terms of color, but in terms of humanity, she will perhaps have been vindicated - that's a lone way off, though.Is there a diplomatic solution that enables democrats to move forward? Yes, it's already in progress - it's called Obama. His inclusive, mature rebuilding of the ailing party is their best hope for the future

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