McCain friend and spiritual advisor, Rev. John Hagee says: "The United States must join Israel in a pre-emptive military strike against Iran to fulfill God’s plan for both Israel and the West… a biblically prophesied end-time confrontation with Iran, which will lead to the Rapture, Tribulation, and Second Coming of Christ."Rev. Hagee, whose endorsement McCain says he was "very honored" to receive, has also called the Catholic Church "the Great Whore" and the "anti-Christ". Also, says New Orleans' destruction was punishment from God for gay rights. Someone please explain to me how a pro-global genocide religious nutcase like Hagee is any less extreme or less dangerous than Iran's Ahmadinejad calling for the destruction of Israel. Iran doesn't have nukes nor the military might to destroy Israel, let alone the world.But, Hagee has the ear of someone who may soon have his finger on the nuclear button!
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