This is not a joke. This is really scary news. On Keith Olbermann, Hillary Clinton explicitly and unequivocally pledged to use nuclear weapons against Iran is it used nukes against Israel: "Sen. Clinton confirmed Monday that as president she would be willing to use nuclear weapons against Iran if it were to launch a nuclear attack on Israel."Which is why it's so important for Iran to ditch the nuclear power plants, go to solar, wave generation, wind turbine and geothermal to meet its energy needs, and sidestep the whole Nuclear Bullet. (Not to mention putting a dent in their air pollution problem)Getting Iran (or anyone else) to abandon nuclear power calls for diplomatic talks, not sabre-rattling or threats. Hillary and Barack said that all options are on the table, and that would include diplomacy. Let's sit down and talk. How much would a summit cost? Not nearly as much as nuclear war, full stop.
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