When you're making a big purchase, think twice about using a debit card in place of a credit card. If something goes wrong, you may have a tough time getting your money back with a debit card. And don't let the word "Visa" on the front of the card fool you. You don't have the same consumer protections with a debit card. It's not even close.I deffinitely agree with this, especially with internet purchases. Too many times have I almost gotten screwed by places not shipping me what I ordered or a wrong or defective item. When I have ordered with a bank card, I think they just laugh at me, because the money is already gone. But when its a credit card, and the money has not already been taken from me, places are always willing to fix the mistake. Luckily, both my credit card companies have an easy system (online too) for disputes, and the only time I had to use it (legit - double charge), it was extreme easy. With a bank? Good luck!
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